The Role of Genetic Genealogy in Missing Persons Investigations

A missing person poster

Genetic genealogy, a marriage of modern DNA analysis and traditional genealogical methods, has emerged as a game-changer in missing persons’ investigations. Families haunted by the disappearance of a loved one and law enforcement agencies striving to solve cold cases have found a new ray of hope through this innovative approach.

Here are some essentials you need to know about using genetic genealogy in missing persons’ investigations.

Understanding Genetic Genealogy

To comprehend the role of genetic genealogy in missing persons investigations, it’s important to first grasp the fundamental concepts.

Genetic genealogy typically uses autosomal DNA testing to trace familial relationships and ancestry. It involves analyzing specific segments of DNA to identify shared genetic markers among individuals, pointing to a common ancestor.

Applying Genetic Genealogy in Missing Persons Cases

A person pinning a blank note on a board

In the context of missing persons cases, this methodology is proving highly effective. Here’s how:

Creation of DNA Profiles

Initially, a DNA profile is created for the missing person, typically utilizing samples from personal belongings, hair, or any biological material available. This DNA profile is then compared against various genealogical databases to identify potential relatives. It is important to understand that only certain databases can be utilized for this type of forensic work. At this time, this includes only and The Terms of Service of the other testing companies prohibit the use of their platforms for forensic work.

Genealogical Research

Professional genealogists enter the scene next, employing their expertise to construct family trees for significant matches by comparing the DNA profile with others. They use the DNA matches to establish connections, tracing the matches back in time to locate a point of convergence, usually a common ancestor that is shared with the missing person..

Building Family Trees

A comprehensive family tree is constructed through an iterative process of genealogical research and DNA analysis. The tree is gradually extended, incorporating more distant relatives and creating a broad genetic network.

Identification and Collaboration

Once a network is established, law enforcement collaborates with genealogists to identify potential leads. Investigators can now focus on individuals within this network who could provide crucial information about the missing person.

Closure and Resolution

In successful cases, this meticulous process can lead to the identificationof the missing person or offer essential information that can bring closure to the family while advancing the investigation.

Ethical Considerations

While the successes are commendable, the power of genetic genealogy also raises ethical concerns regarding privacy and consent. Striking a balance between utilizing this powerful tool to solve cases and respecting privacy rights remains a significant challenge.

To sum it up, genetic genealogy has undoubtedly revolutionized the landscape of missing persons’ investigations. Its potential to reunite families, solve cold cases, and bring justice to victims is immense. However, ethical guidelines and proper regulations must evolve hand in hand with this technology to ensure its responsible and ethical use.

If you’re working in law enforcement and need genealogical help with a missing person’s case, feel free to reach out to us at DavisDNA And Family Research. We offer investigative genealogy services, and our investigative genealogists can help streamline everything for you.

Learn more.